The True Masterminds of Manipulation


Who do we blame people that ruin our country?  Is it the President?  The media, or ourselves?  Perhaps it’s those agencies with a 3-letter abbreviation?

When we leave the school atmosphere behind, we expect the “toddler-games” to end, but they don’t end, they become more frequent.  The games are a mind-grueling effort to make the citizens of America “fend” for themselves.

It’s easier to place blame (or point fingers) to a party we know nothing about; or even agencies that seem as though they’re not doing their job “good enough.”

What ever the case may be, we tend to argue first, while attempting to figure out the problem.  Our latest issue at large, is our latest President – Donald Trump!

I knew he’d win, I even predicted his win when I wrote, “Risen from the ashes: Untold Truth’s and Theories (volume 1).”  Many of my closest friends & family continuously express to me, “you don’t have the right to complain if you don’t vote.”  What is the point of voting, when it’s obviously rigged?  If I predicted his win 9 months ago, why should I vote, when he had, “the power of the vote?”

Clearly, the people that know me, don’t truly know me; let alone understand my thinking.

I am very good at wood I do, and I have a knack for it.  I also can predict who will win a Presidential election, when nobody in their right minds, clearly can.  I’m not hear to brag, nor am I hear to stir up judgments.  However, if I were able to predict an election on the basis of a person winning over crowds by speeches, how am I to be ridiculed?

For you all to get a better understanding of me, you must read my books, my articles, and my way of thinking.  I am a great Theorist, and my knowledge is genuine.  I also learn a ton of knowledge thru research, as many authors do.  You must dig deep when understanding the way our world works; reading the topic headers, and the media documents, articles or anything else on top, just doesn’t cut the underlining issues.

To fully understand “The True Masterminds of Manipulation,” you must do your research, before you attempt to argue the key issues at hand.

As far as President Donald Trump goes, he’s clearly out to ruin our country, and in the meantime, make millions from doing so.  Clearly, this man has a much broader conspiracy being in office, than any other acting President in the past.  He is a “new-age” con, and he’s getting away with it, by using his new Power.

The signs are there, the stories are buried, but with a bit of good research, and an open-mind, we will see his big scheme, along with who he’s working with, to accomplish his underlying agenda.


When you get a moment, you must check out my “Risen from the Ashes,” series.  It’s one series that will help expand your mind.  Whether it’s voting, media, various politics, religion, the ways of humanity, I’ve written about it in this series!

Thanks for reading, and pass the article around!